Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas to all and to all....

I just wanted to take a quick minute to wish everyone a blessed Christmas. Looking forward to spending my first Christmas with my daughter (when I'm not layed up). Next week I'll do a 2009 year in review, and look forward to 2010. Season's beatings to all and lay off the cookies you lard ass, oh no ... that's me, never mind.

Ho Ho Ho,

Craiger Claus

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Spoke too Soon

Well, I jinxed myself. Got 3 inches of snow yesterday, and now we're under a Winter Storm Warning from noon today until 6 P.M. TOMORROW! I've heard everything from 8-14 inches when it's all done. Hung Gary up on his perch upside down like a sleeping bat. I guess he deserves a rest. I think devised a way to still be able to run a couple times a week. In the back of my office building is a warehouse for lumber and other building materials. With the economy the way it is, it's pretty much empty. With a little imagination, it kind of looks like an indoor track...sort of. Good enough to at least help me keep my wind up over the winter. I'm already falling into a deep depression with no regular riding. Hey at least I haven't broken anything yet this winter. Yesterday was the 1 year aniversary of my ankle break, so I reflected on how bad last Christmas and winter SUCKED! I pray that this year will be better.



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like.......Autumn?

Still pretty damn nice weather here in Wisconsin (especially seeing it's December). I never thought I'd still be riding this deep into the season, but I got out this morning for a quick jaunt. 33 degrees and no snow on the ground at 4:00 on a December morning is nothing to complain about. Clear skies and early morning hours have really made for some beautiful "Moon Sets". I can only equate it to an autumnal "harvest moon", but as the moon is goin down rather than coming up, very cool. Things look to change in the near future though, and we'll probably have snow soon (which is ok too, don't get me wrong). Thanks to the mild weather, however, I've been able to add almost 200 extra miles to my 2009 goal. Pretty soon I'll be banished to the indoor stationary and strength training until the snow melts to a reasonable depth.

I've decided to attempt the "Kettleman" Duathlon next September, so training should begin like now. Seriously, I think I've found a good 60 training course to prepare for a duathlon, so we'll see how it goes. Starting to plan for next years rides so if anyone has some good ones that they wouldn't mind me tagging along on let me know.

It's also time to get your "shag" on. With the onset of December, the 2nd annual "Finnish Face Warmer Contest" will begin. Start growing your wooly jaw and we'll look for pictures around the end of March or so. I'm waiting to be de-throned as the current "King of Beards" (and clearly to be brought back down to earth and have my head deflated).

Let's take care of some business:

December Reading:
"Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut
I'm not sure how to explain this one. It centers around the bombing of Dreseden in WWII, but also jumps back and forth between beings from another planet and bouncing around through time. I know, kind of strange, but surprisingly easy to follow, and rather humorous as well. I actually am looking forward to reading more by Vonnegut.

December Listening:
"Sing-Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious" by Diablo Swing Orchestra

"A Tap Dancer's Dilemma"



Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with friends and family. I'm thankful this year for my beautiful wife and daughter, for great friends to ride with, for being able to walk again, and for being healthy enough to ride and run.

For all of our friends not in the U.S. have a happy Thursday (hehehehe).



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy November!

Hi everyone and Happy November. October came and went way too fast as usual. With all the usual autumn festivities, hayrides, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, and the coup de gras - trick or treating, taking center stage. Not alot occurred in my cycling or fitness world last month, and if it did, I blogged about it. Now I'm just trying to squeeze in as many mile as possible before the snow flies, and to brace for my sudden switch to my "winter training", which will consist of indoor stationary bike, free weights, and the occasional run (weather permitting).

As the weather gets colder, time becomes more well spent with some good reading. My list keeps growing daily, but here's one for you to add to your list.

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" - by Oscar Wilde. A rather good read once you get used to some of the olde english. A tale of a young man cursed by a portrait of himself. As he commits wrong doing, eventually to the point of murder, his sins show up as old age on the portrait, not on him, eventually pushing him to the breaking point. As I read the book, I was reminded of the evil the at everyone has the potential for inside of them if it goes unchecked. As I thought of that, I was reminded of a song and figured I'd add that to the soundtrack of my life for his month.

"The Evil that Men Do" - by Iron Maiden. Off of the 1988 "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son", this is arguably my favorite Maiden album, and equally as arguable, my favorite Maiden song.

I'll leave you with lyrics from "Only the Good Die Young" (also from the same Maiden album), which are also rather fitting for this theme.

"Measure your coffin, does it measure up to your until the next time have a good sin".


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That's a BIG Staple

I don't think I shared this story when it happened. 2 1/2 weeks ago. October 10th to be exact. I was out for my usual Saturday morning ride. I rounded a corner and I felt that I had run over something. As I continued to pedal, I could feel an obstruction everytime my rear tire came around. I anticipated that something was caught between the wheel and the frame, or the wheel and the brake lever, or something to that extent. So at the next stop sign I proceeded to look.

What I found was something that actually punctured my tire. It didn't look very thick or large so I decided to pull it out and continue riding. I got my Park Tool multi-tool (cheap plug) out and yanked to metal from my rear tire. It was then that I heard the dreaded hiiiiiiiisssssssssss. It was dark out yet, so I adjusted my position so I could use the streetlamp to see waht I removed. What I saw was the BIGGEST STAPLE that I have ever seen. I'm talking a staple that may have been used on a weight reduction surgery for an elephant. I'd say it looked similar to the one in the top row, second from left in this picture.

Quickly, I tried to stick it back in my tire (to plug the hole of course - this plug was cheaper than my previous advertisement for Park Tool). It worked for about 500 ft. I then walked the remaining 3 miles home. Needless to say, I replaced the tube that day and was ready to roll again, but I'd figured I'd share one of my "hiccups".

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2009 Goal.....reached

This morning at about 4:20 A.M. CST, I reached my goal for the 2009 season. I have succesfully pedaled 651 miles this season (my goals was 650 - double last season's mileage). So from here on out, it's all extra. So now I'm looking to set my goal for next year. LEt's hear what you guys think. Please feel free to post waht you think my goal should be for next season. Please keep a few things in mind before you post 2000 miles:

1) This is Wisconsin - we have snow and winter here
2) The most I've ever riden in one shot has been 50 miles (excluding stationary bikes and not saying that I wouldn't ride further than that.
3) I have a 21 month old at home, so time is at a premium.

All reasonable suggestions will be considered.

In the mean time - October reading? Read "The Masked Rider" by Neil Peart. It's all about his cycling journeys through Western Africa. As usual from Neil, very well written and a great read.

October Listening? Well it's October so that means Halloween. My Halloween suggestion for music? King Diamond. If you don't know King Diamond, just listen with an open mind. Lead singer for Mercyful Fate, and sucessful solo artist, King is an aquired taste, but being as everything he sings about has to do with the occult, when ever Halloween comes around, I break out my old King Diamond albums. From the 1989 album "Conspiracy" here's King Diamond with "At the Graves" (that's how Casey Kasum would've said it).

Die with your boots on!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Good Training Weekend

Well as the weather begins to change, I am starting to find it harder and harder to get out of bed on cold and dark mornings. This weekend though was enough to help re-focus my energy on continuing training and staring to plan my winter training regimen.

As far as riding goes, I think I've become a much stronger cyclist over the past year. Jonny K kept telling me as such during Earth Ride. I as usual, shrugged it off until I sat and calculated my stats. To do some of those hills number 1, without getting off my bike (which I couldn't have done last year), and number 2, keeping a dan near 14 MPH average is impressive to a super clydesdale such as myself. You hear that rumbling coming up behind you? It's the dog. That's right, like a freight train coming down the track baby. This weekends training rides solidified my suspisions. Both days 12 mile rides. Saturday in 50 minutes. Sunday in 49 minutes 47 seconds. That comes out to a 14.25 MPH average, roughly. Immagine if I rode a road bike? Blow the doors off of these times.

Winter regimen still in question but getting closer to a solid plan. Of course, I'll incorporate the indoor trainer. I'll keep my schedule as is for now until the first snow fall, then "Gary" hangs on his bat perch for the winter. I'd still like to run as much as possible, as I think I'm becoming a stronger runner and I'd like to try a duathalon next year. I think I'm going to add some weight training and supplements into the winter training as well. Still up in the air for right now though.

Andy did go to his 62 mile ride this past Saturday, but only did the 25 miler as he claims to have been ill. (I'm sure he actually was sick, I just like giving him a hard time).



Monday, September 28, 2009

Mascoutin Valley Trail (East Leg)

It's hard to believe it's been over a year since I did the west leg of the Mascoutin Valley Trail ( Check that post to refresh your memory - I know I had to.

The east leg runs entirely through Fond du Lac county, and I am very pleased to say that it is much more well kept that the west leg. Approximately 20 mile from Fond du Lac to Rosendale and back, this stretch runs through the Eldorado Marsh State Wildlife Area.

I was a beautiful day for a ride as my friend Andy and I headed out. Andy's doing a 62 mile ride next weekend, and desparately needs to log some saddle time, so I took this as a great opportunity to get some more miles in as well.

The stupidity of people never seems to amaze me. This is a state recreation trail. Signs at every road crossing state this as well as no motorized vehicles allowed. After a bridge crossing, I saw what I thought to be a car facing me. As I drew closer, I realized that it was a mustang facing me, but it wasn't coming at me, it was backing up. The numb nuts drove all the way down the trail till he came to a bridge and realized that he could drive across it. He had no place to turn around, so his only course of action was to back down the way he came from. I proceeded to pedal harder and faster, until I caught up with "numb nuts", and forced him to pull off to the side so I could pass him. What a douche bag!

A little while further up the trail, I saw another vehicle coming at me. A little Toyota Prius. This time I actually stopped and said something to "dill hole". I asked if he was lost. He said, "No where just out for a drive". I proceeded to tell him that he was driving on a state rec trail that DID NOT allow motor vehicles. He asked if there was a place to turn around and I told him no so he'd have to back out the way he came too. His wife actually tried telling me that there were no signs saying that they couldn't drive on it. He must have seen the look on my face and pretty much told her to shut up. Again I say, what a douche bag!

Here are some pictures. Enjoy


Thursday, September 24, 2009

$1.00 off Road ID

I just ordered my Road ID yesterday. They gave me a coupon code to share with my friends good for $1.00 off. If anyone doesn't have one yet, you should seriously consider it. Go to, choose your style, and enter this coupon code upon ordering: ThanksCraig546419. Feel free to share this with your friends. It can be used 20 times in the next 30 days.



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maywood Earth Ride '09

Earth Ride came and went too fast this year. I was joined by the Big Cat & Mrs. Cat (along with Team Lasky), and Jonny K. BC, Jonny, and myself along with the other two memebers of Team Lasky completed the 50 mile route. Jonny's Dad & brother did the full Century (we'll get there eventually). Some brutal hills to climb in the Northern Kettle Moraine, but I still kept an average speed of almost 14 mph and finished the ride in 3hrs 27 min.

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped to make this a great ride again this year! There were over 700 riders total and I think we raised over $30,000 for the benefit of Maywoood environmental park (

A picture says a thousand words so here you go.

Suck it in Jonny!

Big Cat looking all buff

That damn racoon again

Groove Family Cyclo - Family Portrait

This was on the front page of the Sheboygan Press newspaper - let's play "Where's Trail Dog?"

I'm ready for another 50

And so is Jonny

Team Fatty?

Monday, September 21, 2009

North Carolina's Outer Banks (The OBX)

Okay, so I have enough material for at least two posts. Let's start with the trip to the OBX. I will be completely honest and say that while it busted me up on the inside, I didn't pedal at all while on vacation. I analyzed my situation and came to this conclusion: If I can ride somewhere that I wouldn't be able to at home, I'll pedal. I vacationed with that theory in the back of my mind. I did go running on the beach in the mornings (as that is something I don't have the opportunity to do in FDL).

While out walking with the Mrs. one morning, I noticed two Pugsleys in rack with the rentals at a local bike shop. I proceeded to run into the shop. I asked the gal behind the counter what they charged to rent one of the "pugs". She said I could BUY one, not rent one. She was kind of a bag so I left. I did go to another shop, Kitty Hawk Cycle Company( ). Even though I didn't rent, I did buy a shop T-shirt, and Michael, one of the owners, and I had a very pleasant conversation about riding, Twin Six, and other nice things that cyclists talk about. If any of you are in the OBX and need a rental or parts or anything "bike", go visit Michael at KHCC. Thanks Michael, I'll wear my KHCC shirt with pride.

The rum was great (in case you were wondering coastkid), and the atmosphere was even better. Here's some photos to wet your whistle. Check out the OBX Visitors Bureau for more info ( )

Views from our balcony

If you zoom up on this one you can see the dolphin coming up for air

Penny Hill Sand Dune

Wild Horses of Corolla

There's a beer commercial in here somewhere

OBX Sunrise

Not sure what this structure is but it made a good picture

OBX Sunrise #2

Tame that gator!

My new friend Tortuga

Smile Pretty!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rum so nasty it could kill the devil.

So it's off to North Carolina early Sunday morning. I'll be offline for about a week or so, but I hope to have some great pictures to share with you all upon my return. I also hope to get some cycling along the beach and through the east coasts tallest sand dunes. I'll feel like I'm riding with coastkid with some of the scenery around the Outer Banks.

We're staying in a place called Kill Devil Hills. Rumored to have gotten it's name from the rancid rum that would wash up on shore from ships that had been plundered by pirates. This rum was so bad, it was said to be able to "kill the devil". The whole area is rich in history. The next town up the coast is Kitty Hawk, the birthplace of flight, where the Wright brothers mad their historic first flight. Should be pretty cool.

The Saturday after I return is Earth Ride 2009, so I'll a pretty busy week to say the least. I'll post as soon as possible.

Blog at you when I get back.



Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why we do what we do - Part I

There are those among us that have aquired a certain addiction to "adventure sports" or adventure travel". For many of us, this addiction comes after many years of not being so nice to our bodies. Ray Zahab has always said he was a drinker and a smoker - a club guy for lack of a better term. Than one day he decided to start running and before you know it he was running across the Sahara desert. Quite the change. Not only for Ray, but I'm sure for his family and friends as well.

How does one explain to their family why they get up at 3:00 A.M. to go running. Or why they have to rent a bike on vacation because they can't go a week without riding. How does one explpain to their friends, that they used to "party" with that they don't want to go out on a Friday or Saturday night anymore, because they need to train in the morning. And most difficult, how does one leave their spouse and children for periods of time, hours, days, or in Ray's case, months, to complete these "tasks".

I recently began reading "The Masked Rider" by Neil Peart (my favorite author by the way). It chronicles his bike tour through Cameroon in western Africa. I'm only one chapter into it, but something already has resonated with me and I'd like to share it here.

Neil writes:
"The best part of adventure, it seems to me, is thinking about it. A journey to a remote place is exciting to look forward to, certainly rewarding to look back upon, but not always pleasurable to live minute by minute. Reality has a tendency to be so uncomfortably real.

But that's the price of admission - you have to do it. One reason for making such a journey is to experience the mystery of unknown places, but another, perhaps more important, reason is to take yourself out of your "context" - home, job, friends."

Of course there is more to it than just that, but I felt this was a good starting point. Use it as you see fit.



Monday, August 31, 2009

The Joy of Living in a "Bowl" Part I - Wind Resistance

Fond du Lac, WI is essentially in a bowl. One of the most low lying spots in the state. There are many disadvantages to living in an area such as this ( ie flooding ). I, however, have discovered a number of advantages to "basin living", especially in regards to biking.

The first of these is wind resistance. I've noticed that the wind seems to be stronger in the bowl than in the outlying hill country or even in the marshlands to the west. Having rode into this wind excessively over the last year, I believe it has given me an advantage in "head wind training". I firmly believe that a stiff head wind can be just as formidable an opponent as a steep hill. The difference being the wind is more sustained. I think this helps to build up your endurance. I'm not saying it's like training at altitude, or it can replace hill climbs, but I truly think it's helped my endurance.

When I think back two years, I could barely ride 5 miles and I was damn near 50 lbs heavier. I look forward to riding into the wind. Even when I turn a corner and the wind is so strong that it feels like Rick Flair just gave me a knife edge chop across the chest (Whooooooo!). Bring it on! My legs burn, my arms and back get sore, my face is red with wind burn (in colder temps), but who cares? Again I say, Bring it on! Can I hear a witness?



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cedar Lake Ramble '09 Wrap up

Now that was fun! Thanks BC for letting me tag along. 39.1 miles on some of the better hills the Northern Kettles had to offer. Finnished it in 3 hrs 25 min with an average speed of 11.14 mph. Here's some pics from the ride.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Groove Family Cyclo Ride Scheduled for August 23rd

FINALY! After months of trying to get something together, the Big Cat and I have finaly scheduled a ride for this coming Sunday, August 23rd. I told him I needed to get something in that was #1: more than 25 miles, and #2: Had some hills to it so I could get my legs to a point where they wouldn't explode in the middle of Earth Ride. I think he delivered with a planned route from his house to damn near Kiel and back. He says it takes about 3 hours 15 minutes, but for my flabby arse we could be looking at a little longer (I think we're looking at about 50 miles).

If anyone's in the area and wants to tag along (this means you Jonny K), let me know. I'll post again after the ride... if I make it.



Monday, August 10, 2009

Wow, I'm really fast!


But this is a funny story. As I was finishing up a 15 miler yesterday morning, I was coming to an intersection and I noticed a car goin through it rather slowly. Being as the traffic lights were still blinking due to the early hour, I didn't think mych of it.

As I turned the corner, and followed the same route as the slow car just went, I was surprised to see said "slow car". Not only did I still see it, I WAS GAINING ON IT! I was clipping along at a blistering 12-13 MPH, and I was gaining on this car. As I got closer, I actually had to slow down so I would get pinched between "slow car" and the parked cars on the street. I looked to see if I could get a read on what the driver was going to do next, as I didn't want to get clipped, and saw a very lovely, dear old lady driving this vehicle.

I literally had to slow down to 5-6 MPH to stay behind her. Now I know we'll all be there someday, but really, driving 5 MPH in a 25 MPH zone. Please, leave the car in the garage.



Thursday, August 6, 2009

Keep Fighting!

Those of you that read this silly little blog regularly know that last spring, I did the 100 miles of nowhere ride to benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation. This ride was put together by Elden "Fat Cyclist" Nelson. Elden's wife Susan, has been battling cancer.

Last night, Susan passed away. Please keep Elden, the kids, and the rest of the Nelson family in your thoughts and prayers.

In moments like these, we are reminded how short and frail life can be. Take some time today and tell your loved ones how you feel about them. Take some time today and have a positive effect on the life of someone you don't even know.

We may have lost one more soldier in this battle, but the rest of us need to keep fighting! Win Susan!



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What happened to July?

Like the Big Cat said, "I won't apologize" for not posting in almost a month. We've had pretty good weather here in Wisconsin, so it was more advantageous for me to enjoy the out of doors and continue training for Earth Ride '09. Hope fully in the next month there will be more opportunities for me to post some rides other than solo training.

Tried to get together with BC and circle tour Big Green Lake, but that fell short thanks to me and my crappy summer work schedule. What was I thinking gettign into aan industry that is busiest when the weather is nicest? I wasn't is the answer.

Got my Aerotech Designs bib shorts yesterday. Look like a good product. Check 'em out

I have nothing to report for the book club this month. #1: I haven't had much time to read with all the outdoor activities I've been doing. #2: The stuff I have been reading hasn't been all that great anyway, but I always have to finish what I start (check my shelfari page if you really want to know what I've been reading).

Tunes from the Trail - August '09

Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence - Dream Theater

This two disc release from 2002 is sitting right atop my all time greatest list (at least for right now). Disc one is comprised of one of Dream Theater's best songs "The Glass Prison", which consists of riffs and grooves that just makes yo uwant to "crank it up", to one of the most heart wrenching pieces of music I've ever heard, "Disappear", a song about someone letting go of their significant other to a terminal illness. If the words don't touch you, than you may not have a heart.

Disc two is one song, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, a complete work in classical style with modern music. Begining with part I, Overature, all the way to part VIII, Grand Finale.

Till next time - Kippis,


P.S. If any of you are on facebook, look me up - Craig M. Seider

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Madeline Island Ghost Ride

Back from camping and biking Madeline Island, the biggest island of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Lake Superior. Couldn't get anyone to go on the morning ride with me, so I ghost rode it. Here's a photo essay of the ride. All in all I got 64 miles in over the long holiday weekend. My butt is kinda sore. I'll try to caption some of the photos, but check out these links to get a real feel for the place.

Island Sunrise

Yikes! How'd he get in the picture

The fun starts here

Gotta love a place with bike lanes

Tom's Burned Down Cafe - Good place for a beer, but I wouldn't get it in a glass

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Happy CanadaDay to all our friends north of the border! If it's Canada Day, that means it's the first of June, which means time for monthly picks.

Trail Dog’s Book Club – July ‘09

"Distant Fires" - by Scott Anderson

Got his book off of Northwoodsguy's Shelfari list. (Thanks NWG). Great story about two friends that leave their homes in Duluth and paddle till Hudson Bay. Filled with humor & commeraderie, even though I'm not a "hardcore" canoeist, I really enjoyed the misadventures of these guys. Scott's writing style and story telling capabilities really grow on you, and was excited to find another book that he may have written. Upon researching his work,I was saddened to find that he had passed away at 33 (same age as me) while test flying a concept aircraft. Shame to lose a talented young author like this. Give this book a read.

Tunes from the Trail - July '09

"New and Approved" - Monte Montgomery

Got to listen to this one folks! Monte is one of the most talented guitarists I've ever heard. Recorded in 2003 at the Cactus Cafe in Austin, TX, this is a very well done album. Monte kind of infuses folk, blues, country and rock together, for a completely unique sound. Monte is scheduled to play 20 miles from my house in September, and you can bet I'll be there. Here's a cover of Daryl Hall's "Sara Smile". Phenomonal. Check Monte out!

I'll be out for a bit camping with the fam and biking Madeline Island. Be back later next week. Everyone have a safe and blessed 4th of July!



Monday, June 29, 2009

No Skunks - Just 'Coons

Another beautiful weekend. Broke my average speed again on Saturday morning. New average speed = 12.03 miles per hour. Didn't see any skunks this time, but I did come across a family of racoons crossing the trail in front of me. For the first time since I've been biking in the "wee" hours, I actually encountered another human. He was riding a recumbant (not a fancy one like Big Cat's but your garden variety recumbant). Just like the racoons, I think he was more affraid of me than I was of him. I passed him on the left and said good morning. I bet I'll never see him again.

Winds kicked up good on Sunday. It seems that when they predict windy conditions, I have until the sun comes up. My guess is once the sun starts to heat, the convection starts working and creating the wind. Too scientific for a monday morning? Probably. Weathers looking real good here, so if I spend more time biking than blogging, please don't be a hater. Peace to everyone.



Friday, June 26, 2009

Now it's too hot!

So only weeks ago I was complaining about the Wisconsin weather being too cold. Now I'm complaining about it being too hot. We've been in the 90's for the last few days with heat indeces into the 100's. I must continue to ride however. It's days like these I'm glad that I train in the early morning hours before it gets too hot.

Those of you that read "coastrider" know of Coastkid's riding holiday in the Scotish Highlands. What a beautiful area of the world. Coastkid has been gracious enough to allow me to share one of his films with you. Check out all of his films. Enjoy and thanks Coastkid.

biking the isle of harris west coast, trailer from coastkid71 on Vimeo.



Monday, June 22, 2009

Almost got skunked

What a beautiful weekend! Saturday was phenomenal. Hit concrete at 3:45 A.M. and had wonderful 68 degree temps (albeit rather humid). Got a nice 15 miles in. At about mile 12, I was riding through an area of town that is being developed for new residential. All the roads are in, but the strutures are minimal as of right now. That means alot of empty lots with tall prairie grass. All of a sudden I see the grass moving (on my side of the road). As I get a little closer, I see something black rustling around. Closer still, I see a white stripe on the tail and it's heading towards the road. My mind shifts to "Christmas Vacation" as they are looknig for the squirrel that got brought in the house with the christmas tree. As Clark turns around, the old guy sees it and screams "S-Q-U-I-R-R-E-L". This scene raced through my mind, but I saw the same old guy in my mind's eye screaming "S-K-U-N-K". I quickly shifted to the other side of the road and prayed that I wasn't going to have to go home and sit in a tub of tomato juice. Luckily, I think the little fella was still in a drunken stooper from the night before and just wanted to get home, so he left me alone. I also broke my personal best average speed on Saturday with a blinding 11.41 MPH.

Sunday was equally as wonderful, waking up to a balmy 70 degrees. Got a good 16 miler in, but I didn't go the same route as I didn't care to run into my drunken skunk friend again. I thought that maybe my personal record average speed my have had to do with getting away from the skunk. I am happy to report that that wasn't the case as I shattered the 11.41 MPH with a new personal best average speed of 11.76 MPH on Sunday. This cycling thing keeps getting more and more addicting. I'm gonna keep pumping out miles now till it gets cold again, because I can't seem to get enough. The only reasons I'm not on my bike are family, work, and weather.

Trail Pup got me a gift card to one of my LBS ( for Daddies Day. You think I'll use that? Only two weeks left till my "Ride Around the Island". A self imposed circle tour of Madeline Island ( for no other reason than I can (I hope). Later.

Kippis - Leave No Trace
